See link to a review of The Canopy
Brand New!! An interview with Patricia Clark, who reads "Astronomy 'In Perfect Silence'" and "Passing Royalty" on 3/21/23
This is an interview on Michigan Public Radio's show Stateside conducted by April Baer with former Grand Rapids poet lauareate Patricia Clark. Go to second segment to hear Patricia Clark.
Lynn Domina, Poet: Personal Blog
See this perceptive review of my most recent book.
Patricia has new work forthcoming in North American Review and in the anthology What the House Knows (Terrapin, 2025).
Patricia with her fourth book, Sunday Rising.
My fourth book, 2013.
Patricia's 3rd book, 2009.
A review of Patricia's third book, She Walks Into the Sea , appeared in The Gettysburg Review. I don't have a link to it.
It's by Kristina Marie Darling -- appearing in Fall 2010 (vol 23 no 3), pages 487-501.
My 2nd book, 2005.
Review of My Father on a Bicycle by Todd Davis
One of 20 poetry finalists for Foreword Magazine's Book of the Year Awards.